Loyalty is earned, and it’s a two-way street. Being loyal means giving a relationship the higher priority. Simple enough—if you care about someone, then be there for them. Be true to them. Do what’s in their best interests. Based on your choice, a relationship will grow. The problem is, most people have many loyalties, including loyalty to oneself. And loyalties can sometimes conflict with each other. So it may be hard to choose one over the other. A friend once told me, "you may be allot of things but you are a loyal s.o.b." I took that as a compliment. Loyalty is not an easy thing. Loyalty can take many forms but I think it's true that it is about priority. I have, for the most part, always been able to see where my loyalty is. There are no perfect people on this earth, so once you understand that you are able to accept flaws. Those flaws allow you to overlook certain things that might upset you normally. If you accept an apple as your own for whatever reason, then take the apple as a whole not in pieces regardless if parts are rotten. Dogs are the only creature on earth that will love you more than itself, pure Loyalty. Loyalty to me is that you will stand with me in good times or bad. I have a best friend I grew up with from childhood. A lifelong friend and brother by choice. He has many character flaws, things I don't like, but you will never see me show my dislike of those flaws in public. I show my dislike to him only, as it should be. People might criticize him, but I don't even if they are right. I made that choice a long time ago through many tribulations and triumphs, and I accept his flaws because the love of brothers allows for disagreement and dislike. I am also fortunate to have several women in my life that love me even when they don't like me and back my play no matter what. My queen is one of those ladies. Although we see many flaws in each other and dislike each other sometimes, she always backs me. No matter what. These might be seen by some as blind loyalty, but that is an excuse for someone who has never felt loyalty. Loyalty like trust is earned and not given freely. A couple can be married for 25 years and not be loyal to each other. Time with me does not make you loyal, positive words to me don't necessarily make you loyal, but your actions that support my best interest do. But the biggest loyalty we should all have is to God and then ourselves, in that order. So, loyalty is fluid because everyone else can change or let us down. And as discussed sometimes you need to pick one over another. Only you know your priorities.
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