Sunday, November 27, 2011

Truth #9 - Trust

"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth."

1 comment:

  1. Trust

    The demonstration of trust comes without words. BoB(Book of Broadnax)#1: If someone states that they trust you they don't. Without words: Someone will excuse themselves from the dinner table for the bathroom and return. There was no timeout for them to state how much they trust you with their purse. Without words: we drop off our children with family. Without words: we leave our homes and trust that it will be intact when we return. We display forms of trust throughout our lives without words without thought.

    Some say,the only person that they trust is themselves, but according to BoB, if they need to state that they trust themselves-they don't. They don't trust themselves with the last doughnut, with their wife's best friend, or with their child's piggy bank. To only have trust in self is a flawed concept.

    Every Sunday (maybe not every Sunday) Christians praise their lord in church, but Monday through Saturday they trust in the world. One that trust in the lord would remove all worldly ways in fear of judgment.

    BoB: Greatest examples of love: When God gave his son to the world. When Jesus gave his life.

    Love does not exist by itself, it must be supported to stand. Like a house, the foundation of love is communication, without communication Love will erode. Love is the roof that covers all, communication is the foundation that love is supported by. The pillars that stand on the foundation to support love are: Trust, Sacrifice, Honesty, Loyalty, Friendship.

    Some are scared of the word trust because of its association with love.
