Thursday, November 3, 2011

Universal Truth #1 - Progress Not Perfection

Our life is shaped by the choices we make. Some would say "no shit!" But if it were that easy, I wouldn't have made the mistakes I have in my life. But I also wouldn't have found the joy in my life either. Choices aren't always clear. Repercussions not always thought out. Again "no shit." When we are young we think we know everything. When you’re older you realize you didn’t know everything. So really the mistakes you make or the happiness you find is choices on top of choices. What I mean is that whether you made the choice on impulse, emotions, from the heart, or all from the brain the choice came from inside who you are. You built the house of cards. But another argument would be that your choices as a kid weren't yours. I admit evil exists. People can do some horrible things to each other. When those things are done to a young person it changes them forever. Changes their view of the world. Changes their choices. Changes how they feel about things. Like it or not, humans function out of feelings. How that kid, adult, old person, functions in those feelings says a lot. Put up a wall, use humor, shut down, grow your anger, eat, dont eat, throw up your food, think you are better...whatever the inner you did to defend and protect you. Inner you? yes that part of you that still sees joy in things or in a lot of things and worries about you. Its strong in some and weaker in others. We are all born with it. Are they fighting for themselves or not. If you dont fight for you, who will? That child grows up and does what? More evil or the opposite to compensate? So I guess the Universal Truth is...Our life is shaped by the choices we make out of our circumstances. So don't set yourself up for failure. Think about it, how does it feel. Do you know or did you forget? Progess Not Perfection.

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